N.D. Jones the Writer
N. D. Jones, Ed.D. is a USA Today bestselling author who lives in Maryland with her husband and two young adult children. In her desire to see more novels with positive, sexy, and three-dimensional African American characters as soul mates, friends, and lovers, she took on that challenge herself. Along with the fantasy romance series Forever Yours, and a contemporary romance trilogy, The Styles of Love, she has authored three paranormal romance series: Winged Warriors, Death and Destiny, and Dragon Shifter Romance.
N.D. is also the founder of Kuumba Publishing, an art, audiobook, eBook, and paperback company that is a forum for creativity, with a special commitment to promoting and encouraging creative works from authors and artists of African descent. Her teenage daughter created the image design for Kuumba Publishing, while her son has written a role-playing game using original characters from a new paranormal romance series and her husband manages the company—making Kuumba Publishing a true family affair.
N.D. Jones the Educator
N.D. Jones holds a doctorate of education, an academic culmination of her twenty plus years serving as a public school educator. As a teacher, department chair, and teacher specialist, Dr. Jones has two decades of experience supporting and promoting the growth and development of adult learners. Her educational philosophy is one of equity--positive relationships, relevance, rigor, and high expectations.