Code Redhead: A Serial Novel Anthology

Sixteen of your favorite Best-Selling authors have come together to be part of a fundraising project called Code Redhead – A Serial Novel. Each writer has their own interpretation of the title ‘Code Redhead’. There’s a story to satisfy and entertain most every reader. Books To Go Now will donate the proceeds from the sale of the Novel to The Children’s Cancer Research Fund.

Cancer’s reach is far and wide, its tentacles capable of breaching fortressed walls and destroying the lives within. And while many innocents have fallen victim to its vicious might, others have survived its cruel lash, carrying the wounds of a war well fought and battles best left to nightmares. But survive they have, fight they did, inspirational they are. But what of those lost lives, the ones that the heart refuses to forget? Phyllis Jones, sister, mother, grandmother, friend, and fighter. My aunt. A life not defined by cancer, but a life cut short because of it. Phyllis Jones, like countless others who’ve tasted the bitter whip of cancer’s tentacles, reaffirmed life even as she slipped into death. Let us remember. Better yet, let us fight and conquer the monster.

I contributed “Rituals,” a short science fiction romance story.
Jackson Glory introduces his Serenitarian wife, Nevaeh, to an old Earth custom—hot and sexy for some, not enough for others.


Purchase this anthology, and support children’s cancer research.